Nevaeh Morris, 2025 Senior

Nevaeh Morris will be a 2025  graduate of Alton High School. She is the daughter of Dovie Boyle. She is the sister of Heather Starnes, Shane and Roger Riggs, and Brooklyn and Toni Boyle.

Nevaeh's favorite childhood memory is from middle school when her best friend Bella would stay the night and they laughed until they cried! Nevaeh describes herself as caring, talkative, but sometimes impatient when it comes to waiting. As a kid, her dream job was to become an actress and be in the movies. Nevaeh plans to pursue a career as a Behavioral Health Specialist and be a successful Tattoo Artist and business owner. The top three items on her bucket list are to see sharks, take a road trip to see all 50 states, and open a tattoo shop in Iowa.

Her proudest achievement is completing her sophomore and junior year over the summer. Her favorite memory was in 8th grade when Ethan and Kaleb Connor locked her in the art room closet. Her favorite classes throughout high school were freshman year FACS, freshman year Agriculture, Senior year Art, and Yearbook.

Nevaeh’s hobbies are drawing in her sketch book and writing poems. :) 

If Nevaeh had a chance to change anything or do anything differently she wouldn't change a thing! She has had many obstacles but believes it has all worked out for the best!

After high school, Nevaeh's plans are to attend college, majoring in Fine Arts and Graphic Design. Open a tattoo shop, and live the best life possible!!

Nevaeh admires people who manage to smile and laugh every day even when their life is falling into a million pieces.