
Shalana Whittenburg will be a 2025 graduate of Alton High School and is the daughter of Lora Whittenburg.

Shalana has been involved in Cross Country for 4 years, 

The classes Shalana enjoyed the most were Art, History, Choir, and Anatomy. 

Shalana enjoys running, creating art, performing music, and hanging out with friends.

After High School Shalana plans to go to a Jr. College where she can run as a college athlete for two years while pursuing her degree in becoming an art teacher/professor. 

In 10 years she sees herself as a successful art teacher living her best life surrounded with good friends. 

Her bucket list consists of making All-State in cross country, running as a college athlete, and going to an art museum to experience different kinds of art. 

The person she admires the most is her mom and her LGBTQIA+ community.