For most of us, our hometown is the place that holds countless happy memories of our childhood and youth. You just know that you belong! The dialect and everyday life put you at ease and give you peace of mind. The annual Walnut Festival 2022, Saturday, October 1, 2022, was no exception as it brought all together to celebrate and visit with others in our little town.
The festivities kicked off with a Friday night Fun Run and Car Show. Then on Saturday, our new choir teacher, Audra Wood, sang the Star Spangled Banner, and the elementary and high school choirs shared great selections. Pumpkin carving, quilting, crafts, funnel cakes, and laughter made for a beautiful fall experience. Former student DawsonHuckabee and "On the Outside"serenaded the crowd. Such amazing talent continues to flow from Alton. I'm excited to see what the future holds! It's a Great Day to be a Comet!