Alton R-IV Boys Cross Country and Shalayna Whittenburg Compete at State

 MSHSAA State Championships - 11/5/2022 

Gans Creek Cross Country Course     

The Alton R-IV Boys Varsity Cross Country Team took 5th Place in the State Cross Country Tournament with an overall average run time of 18:14.90 and a total of 170 points. Once again, Rydan Deckard was a force to be reckoned with, coming in 7th in the state at 17:06.3 minutes. Congratulations to the entire teams of boys and girls for an outstanding year to be a COMET! 

 7 Rydan Deckard 17:06.36
 45 Tucker Combs 18:08.3  29 
 49 Trenton Cunningham  18:14.3 32 
 66 Cory Miller    18:32.9 40 
100 Shalana Whittenburg (Girls CC)23:27.0 -------
101 Trevor Cunningham    19:12.763  
144 Logan Kennedy   20:14.4  87